Pondwood 22nd August 2021
Mickey Catten scored his second win of the series in a game of two halves on the snake lake at Pondwood. The match was held on two sections – section 5 (pegs 1 – 14), and section 4 (pegs 15 – 28). The two sections have a completely different make up terms of species of fish, with section 4 being mainly silver fish like Ide, roach, skimmers, small barbel and some carp, and section 5 consisting of mainly recently stocked carp and some silvers.
Mick was on peg 23 in section 4, and his single-minded approach to target the Ide from the off, rewarded him with a magnificent catch of 50lbs of them to win the match comfortably. His tactics were to feed maggots and lower a shallow rig in amongst them on a tight line which resulted in many of the Ide hooking themselves. Meanwhile in section 5, runner up Glen Briggs was busy getting severely beaten up by the carp on peg 13. Despite using heavy tackle, he still couldn’t stop the powerful carp from bolting into the far bank reeds which frustratingly resulted in him losing at least three times as many as he landed. Third place went to Pondwood regular James Fletcher and the section winners were Mike Smith and Jon Colman with the specimen being won by Alan Bright with a 6-12-0 carp.

15 fished
Total weight 307lbs 10oz
Average 23lbs 1oz per angler