Rules & Constitution


1 – Constitution 

2 – Membership Licences and cards 

3 – Subscriptions and fees 

4 – Membership and complaints 

5 – Generic Angling rules  

6 – Predator rules 

7 – Close season and other Lake and River closures 

8 – Removal of fish 

9 – Night Fishing 

10 – Hours of access 

11 – Dogs 

12 – Poaching, trespass and damage 

13 – Bailiffs instructions 

14 – Parking and gate codes 

15 – Guests 

16 – Guest Tickets 

17 – Drink and Drugs 

18 – Publicity rules 

19 – Meetings and Standing orders 

20 – The Management Committee 

21 – The Discipline Procedure 


1. The Society shall be known as Uxbridge Rovers Angling & Conservation Society, its objectives shall be the protection and promotion of angling for all, and to foster good fellowship and friendly competition amongst its members. The society also takes seriously its key role in the conservation and management of our waters and surrounding habitats. 


2. All members must hold a current Environment Agency Rod Licence for the number of rods they are using. Proof of this should be carried alongside your Clubmate membership card whilst fishing. You will be asked to leave the fishery if you cannot demonstrate that you hold these two documents.  


3. No member (Except Hon. Life Members) shall be entitled to a membership card etc. until their subscription is paid. Members not having renewed their Subscription by 15th of June shall be liable to forfeit their right to renew membership, and new members will be admitted. Annual membership shall be valid for the period 16th June to 15th June. You are not officially a member until the start date and therefore have no right of access to our society’s venues where they are gated. Where ungated you should not be undertaking any fishing activity including marking up or pre-baiting. 

Membership and complaints  

4. The society’s aim is for all members to enjoy their fishing. There is an expectation that members will apply common sense and observe common angling etiquette. The rules have been created to guide, protect and support our fisheries and our members. The Society’s fishery management teams should be your first port of call for any information or questions relating to our venues. There will be occasions when members raise complaints or have a grievance against other members.           

A member raising a complaint or grievance against another member and desiring the matter to be brought before the Committee should in the first instance either inform the relevant Fishery manager or contact the club secretary with details of the grievance or complaint including where possible, the other member’s name and or membership number. The matter will then be investigated by a Grievance and Disciplinary committee. (The full grievance and disciplinary process can be seen at paragraph 21). Once the process is completed the complainant and accused will be updated of any outcome.  

5. Society generic angling rules  

The following restrictions apply to all Society waters: 

  1. Barbless hooks only – Rig checks may be conducted at any time by the fishery teams.  
  2. No braided main line – unless lure fishing, pike fishing, or on spod or marker rods. 
  3. Junior members (under the age of 17) must be accompanied at all times by an adult when fishing any of the Society waters. 
  4. Barbel, Carp and Pike will not be retained in keepnets. Keepnets are allowed but common sense must prevail in terms of the size of fish retained, the depth of water, and the length of time fish are retained. 
  5. Suitable sized landing nets must be used.  For Carp a minimum 42-inch landing net is required. The use of a padded unhooking mat is compulsory at all our venues. All members must be in possession of a Carp/fish care kit. Nets and mats must be air dried prior to arrival at the venue. 
  6. Specimen carp may be retained in floating retainers but only for the length of time it takes to prepare for immediate photographs (max 20minutes). Retainers must be firmly secured and in a good depth of water. Sacks are not permitted. 
  7. No lead core – Lead free leaders are allowed. 
  8. No fixed or bolt rigs.
  9. No bait boats or drones.
  10. No fishing from boats – Unless specified in individual fishery rules? 
  11. No open fires. See individual fishery rules regarding stoves and BBQS 
  12. No wading. Unless engaged on work parties or working with the permission of the fishery management team. 
  13. No climbing trees. Unless engaged in a work party and or working with permission of fishery management team. 
  14. No discarded line or line of any sort shall be left on any part of the fisheries.  
  15. No member may have in their possession firearms, air guns, use traps or set lines on any fishery.  
  16. Radios are allowed but should not be heard from the next swim. 
  17. Litter including tea bags and cigarette butts must be taken home. 
  18. No rods should be left unattended at any time. If fishing to snags you must be able to immediately take control of any run. You must n0t be in control of more rods than your licence allows. 
  19. Buckets (with lids) should be used if a toilet is required whilst fishing and any waste disposed of at home. Mariner’s pool and Batchworth do have access to toilets, these facilities should always be treated with respect and left as found. 
  20. Fly fishing is not permitted on Society waters at any time. 
  21. The individual fishery rules define how many rods may be used on each fishery. 
  22. All wildlife and fauna should be respected. No vegetation should be cut or removed without the permission of the fishery manager. 
  23. Fish must be handled, weighed, and photographed close to the ground (No standing) and returned to the water immediately. Barbel must be given a reasonable time to recover in the landing net. 
  24. Do not fish beyond the boundaries of the fisheries or in any area with signs indicating no fishing. 
  25. Do not leave any venues unsecured at any time-this includes all external and internal gates 

6. Predator Rules

The following rules apply specifically to those targeting Pike and Perch.

Pike season for dead baiting runs from 1st October to 15th March 

  1. No live baits are to be used on any of our venues. 
  2. No fish to be removed from any venue. 
  3. A suitable sized net and unhooking mat must be carried and used. This rule applies to all forms of lure/predator fishing. Rubber mesh nets are preferred. 
  4. The use of lip grip devices for any purpose is banned on all of our venues.     An instant suspension will be put in place if you are found using this tool and a disciplinary hearing will follow. 
  5. Fish must be handled, weighed, and photographed close to the ground (No standing) 
  6. Appropriate long nose unhooking tools must be carried and used. Unhooking tools must be produced to a Bailiff on request. 
  7. Fish must be returned to the water as soon as possible.
  8. Static bait fishing rod limit is per venue rules. There is a One rod rule when lure fishing any of our venues. 
  9. Barbless hooks are compulsory for lures and trebles. These can be crushed and filed. 1x semi barb on a treble can be kept aiding hooking of the dead bait. Maximum of 2 trebles per trace. 
  10. Static pike fishing minimum 15lb line/braid – 30lb trace. 
  11. Lure fishing – minimum 10lb line/braid and a wire trace. 

7. Close season and lake or river closures 

The Society’s River fisheries will be closed for all forms of fishing for the period 15th March to 15th June inclusive. You will also need to check individual fishery rules for their opening and closed seasons if applicable (displayed on the URACS website). You will also need to adhere to any lake or river closures due to spawning, work parties, extreme weather or pre-planned events.  Notification of closures will be shown on the club facebook page, on the website and will be sent via email. 

8. No fish of any species shall be introduced to the Society waters without the consent of the committee, landlord and the Environment Agency. No live bait will be taken or used on the Society’s waters. No coarse fish may be moved or removed from the Society waters without the consent of the Landlord and the Environment Agency. 

9. Night fishing is NOT allowed on the Society waters, unless you hold a valid night ticket for the venue you are fishing. Junior Members are not allowed to hold a night ticket. One Junior member is permitted to stay with a fishing adult member overnight, however all responsibility for the Junior member lays with the parents/guardians. Permission from the fishery manager must be granted beforehand. 

10. Unless specific times are stated within the rules of a fishery no member is allowed onto the Society’s gated waters until one hour before sunrise and must leave no later than one hour after sunset. (Unless in possession of a night ticket for that venue). 

11. No member may take a dog on to any of the Society waters, except where they are on the fishery for the sole purpose of bailiffing the water and then only if this does not contravene the licence for that fishery. This rule does not apply to areas where the general public have a right of access or to members with guide dogs. If unsure seek advice of the fishery manager. 

12. Members shall inform the fishery manager immediately if they become aware of any poaching, trespassing or damage to Society property. 

13. Instructions of authorised Club Bailiffs and Fishery Managers must always be followed. If you have any complaints regarding the Fishery Management teams you must follow the complaints procedure (The society’s Bailiffs, Fishery Managers and Committee Members are deemed members of the society) 

14. All vehicles being driven onto Society waters must be parked in designated areas.  No codes are to be given to non-members for the use of parking. The Society is not liable for any vehicle damage or theft. 

15. Senior members shall be permitted to take one non fishing guest (spouse, partner for example) onto Society waters after permission has been granted by the fishery manager. Guests must not fish and must always stay with the member. Guests are not permitted to stay overnight. 

16. Guest tickets can be obtained online via clubmate or from Harefield tackle, If proof of the guest ticket cannot be shown the guest and the member may both be asked to leave the water. Guests are expected to read and follow all the society’s rules. They should, if possible, fish with or in the swim next to the member.  

Guests are not permitted to night fish the society’s waters unless permission is granted by the fishery manager. Permission will not be granted for more than one occasion each season. Two guest tickets must be purchased to cover a 24hr period.  

17. Any member considered by the Fishery management team to be intoxicated through alcohol or drugs may be asked to stop fishing, and if appropriate, to leave the fishery. They will then be subject to the disciplinary process.  


Members should adhere to the strict publicity rules below: 

  1. Members can share media publicly, however, neither Uxbridge Rovers Angling and Conservation Society or the venue from where the fish was caught will be named. Please ensure all backgrounds do not give away the venue from which the fish was caught at. 
  2. If you are associated with a bait company, commercial angling company or write or blog and would like to publicise catches on any media, permission must be obtained from the Fishery Manager and the Committee prior to commencing any filming. 
  3. Use of drones is not permitted on any of our venues without permission from the fishery manager, committee, and landowner. Permission must be granted by all three. 


19. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in late February at the Society Headquarters. An alternative venue may be decided by the management committee, in which case the membership will be advised via the website or email to be published between 31st November and 31st January. 

The order of business shall be as follows: 

  1. Minutes of previous A.G.M. 
  2. Financial report and balance sheet for the year ended December 31st, Auditors report and recommendations 
  3. Memberships report and Annual subscription recommendations 
  4. Proposals for alteration to the rules, which shall have been presented to the Secretary by email no later than the first Wednesday in the November prior to the next committee meeting. A proposition when seconded shall be open to discussion and no member shall speak more than once in a debate, except to raise a point of order, or seek information, on which the Chairman shall rule. The proposer shall have the right to reply to the debate immediately before the vote is taken. A majority vote is needed and must take into account rules set out by landowners or contracted into the terms of a lease 
  5. Correspondence. 
  6. Election of officers; President, Vice President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Fisheries Managers, Conservation Rep, Entertainment Rep, Junior Rep, Disabled Rep, HS2 Rep, Website officer, Society Captain, Trustees (2) Auditors (2). Those positions in bold will form the management committee. The management committee may co -opt Members with specific relevant skills or expertise should the need arise.
  7. In the event of an officer or committee member resigning or otherwise ceasing to hold office, the vacancy shall be filled at the discretion of the Management Committee. 
  8. Open Forum

Management Committee 

20. The Management Committee shall comprise of members who will be elected at the A.G.M. The committee shall meet once a month to discuss matters requiring their attention. A Quorum will form of any two from Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary plus 3 other committee members with names of those present recorded. Fishery managers are voting members of the management committee and will be invited to these meetings.  In an emergency, the Secretary in consultation with the Chairman or Vice-Chairman is to arrange a meeting giving committee members no less than 3 days’ notice. The Management Committee will be totally responsible for the management and running of this Society during its year of office. 

The committee shall consider any item put forward by a member and reply within 1 month from the date of the next committee meeting. A member may write to the Secretary with any matter that the member wishes the committee to consider. The Secretary will bring the matter to the attention of the committee and advise the member in writing of the committee’s response and any subsequent action it intends to take. 

21. The Disciplinary Procedure

All grievances and matters of discipline will be dealt with by a sub-committee consisting of a Disciplinary Chairman and a panel of four committee members. The Disciplinary Chairman will be a fixed position. The 4 committee members will be selected on a case-by-case basis and should, if possible, not be witnesses in the case. Committee members will not be permitted to abstain from voting. The Disciplinary Chairman will direct the investigation but will only vote where a casting vote is required. 

For the purposes of this process a complaint will be any breach of the Clubs rules by action or behaviour.  A grievance will be any matter raised where the person raising the grievance feels that they have been treated unfairly.  

This process is not intended to replace any Criminal investigations by other agencies. Where criminal offences are being investigated the disciplinary process will not be finalised prior to the criminal investigation. The only exception to this may be fishing on our waters without an environment agency licence.  

The process will be initiated if – 

  • A complaint is raised by a member regarding another member
  • A grievance or complaint is raised by a member regarding a member of a Fishery management team or club official
  • A complaint is raised by the Fishery Management team regarding a member
  • Environment Agency offences are disclosed
  • Police are required to attend any venue to deal with any society member

It is reasonable that any member caught by a fishery management team in breach of the rules (dependant on the severity) will have their fishing rights immediately suspended pending any investigation.   

Once the complaint is received the Disciplinary Chairman will begin the process and appoint an investigative committee.  

A low-level grievance may be resolved by mediation at this stage. 

Where a breach of the rules is fully admitted, and no mitigation provided there will be no requirement for an investigation or hearing and the disciplinary committee can move directly to a suitable disposal decision. 

During an investigation all available evidence will be collected, and witness accounts obtained. The investigation will be impartial and evidence that negates any complaint will also be collected and considered. The accused will always be given the opportunity to give their own account.   

If during an investigation it becomes apparent that there is no case to answer, the complainant and the accused will immediately be informed, and any suspension will be lifted. 

Once the evidence is collected the accused will be invited to attend a hearing, they may bring another member as support and to witness the hearing.  

If the accused does not wish to attend a hearing, they may provide an email including anything they would like to be considered in mitigation. Failure to attend any hearing will not be considered as an admission of guilt. The hearing will then take place in their absence. 

The entire process will be completed in a timely manner and resolved as soon as possible, particularly where the member is on suspension pending investigation. 

All evidence collected during any investigation will be retained for a minimum of 6 months.  

The levels of disposal available to the Grievance or Disciplinary Committee will be – 

  1. Advice given and a warning recorded against the individual. (Further warnings could lead to suspension or exclusion. 
  2. A period of suspension decided by the disciplinary committee to a maximum of 60 days 
  3. Removal of a night ticket 
  4. Banning from a specific venue 
  5. Exclusion from the club. 
  6. Investigation shows no case to answer and no further action to be taken. 

Where the accused is a Club Bailiff or Club official removal from Office could also be a potential disposal. 

A lower-level Grievance or complaint may be resolved by mediation with no action further action being taken. 

Members will have the right to appeal against any disposal passed on to them.