Watmore Farm 11th September ’22
The conditions for the match at Watmore Farm were almost perfect for the time of year, mild overnight, a warm day with little wind and light cloud cover so we were optimistic of some good fishing in the offing. And so it turned out, with Glen Briggs winning the match with just under 100lbs of carp all caught shallow on the waggler.
Mike Smith took the runner up spot with 89lbs, all carp again, caught on a combination of the waggler and the bubble, and third place went to Perry Fairclough who had a late run of carp on a maggot feerder.
The specimen was won by Glen Briggs with a carp of 12-3-0 and the section winners were Dave Mustoe, Fred Fairman and James Fletcher.
All in all, it was a decent result with some reasonable back up weights of carp and silver fish combined. The days of massive weights of roach seem to have gone here, at least for now, with the consensus being that they have wised up to being targeted and are now not so easy to catch. Ryan Fairclough’s magnificent 56lbs of all roach which he caught in our club match back in May 2021 looks to stand as a venue record for a very long time.
