Sandersons Pond

Sandersons Pond

General description
Sandersons is an intimate venue, un-fished seriously for many years. Located on the Uxbridge Business Park it is the old Sanderson Fabric match lake, dug around 1930.

The water is pretty much in a natural state after years of neglect. Although anglers bait has been introduced it makes up a small percentage of the food available. The natural balance appears to be good and we ask that all baits, especially non natural baits are used sensibly.

The fish stocks are not yet fully known but good size carp, tench and perch have been seen. We expect bream and eels to be present along with silvers.

Please report ALL catches to fishery manger regardless of species or size.

If stalking and margin fishing is your thing, this is the water for you.

Most of the fish frequent the margins so light baiting, sitting back quietly and stalking tactics are the recommended methods.

1 rod per angler limit.

No more than 1kg of bait to be used per day, including pellets, boilie, ground bait & particals. No excessive use of maggots.

A very limited amount of night tickets are available & must be applied for by email or by contacting the fishery manager, please be aware no large bivvys are allowed on this venue due to its intimate nature & a brolly system is recommended.

Opening Dates: All Year

Known Species

Venue Type
Old match lake

1 Acre

10 Swims
Snags, shade, overhanging trees, pads, rush beds and deep margins.

Parking & Access:
Parking is currently in the A40 lay-by or walking through from the Denham Colne car park. We do not have permission to park in the Uxbridge Business Park. We are working with the Highways Agency to allow on-site parking.

Sandersons Pond, Uxbridge Business Park, Sanderson Rd, Denham, Uxbridge UB8 1DH

Fishery manager: Paul Ward
Contact Number: 07867 180368